Free Braided USB Cable for iPhone

Free Braided USB Cable

With just a few easy steps, you can sign up for a free Braided USB Cable for your iPhone. You must sign up for a free account on the website Following sign up, click here and add the cable to your cart. When you checkout out you can apply your rewards points which makes the USB cable free. This cable works with your iPhone 5, 5s and 6.

NOTE: Big thank you to Jessica for pointing this out. My instructions missed a step. You have to click “My Account” and “My Rewards Points” under “My Orders” to redeem the 150 points. Again, thank you Jessica for pointing that out!

3 thoughts on “Free Braided USB Cable for iPhone”

  1. I doesn’t give me an option to use my points. All it does is shows me my points and at checkout, there is no options to add them. So I cancelled it.

  2. “Go to your shopping cart, if one of your item allows points, you will see “Use Reward Points” radio box, select it, then you can enter number of points you’d like to use.” I don’t think this one allows points for the item

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