Even though the school bell has already rung for the beginning of school, there will always be a need for school supplies throughout the school year. Yes, it’s an expense, especially if you have more than one child, but there are ways you can frugally shop and cut the expense in half. The big question is “how?”
One of the best ways to shop smartly and save is by competitive ad shopping. Many retailers have price reductions on school supplies through out the school year. This is because new inventory is always coming in and old merchandise is moved out.
Keep an eye on shopping circulars and compare prices from each. By watching those store circulars you’ll always know when school supplies go on sale. Shop where sales are or ask your favorite store if they honor competitive ad shopping. This will save on both time and gas if they do.
A frugal shopper isn’t one who always needs name brand items. A smart shopper knows when they’re actually paying for a “Brand Name,” rather than the actual product. Let’s face it, crayons – color, and pencils write. Paper accepts both regardless of the name attached to the wrappers. If the name doesn’t matter to you, and you can buy like items for less, make the smartest purchase.
Also don’t be afraid to shop at “Dollar Stores.” Places like Family Dollar, General Dollar, the Dollar Tree and any other dollar store carry a plethora of school products. One thought regarding “Dollar Stores” though is that sometimes grocery stores and mass merchandisers carry school supplies at a cheaper cost.
Depending on what sort of school supplies you are needing, you might actually save money by going ahead and buying them at your regular shopping stop. Shop wisely by making a list of the things you’d find cheaper at the dollar store and the things which would be cheaper where you normally shop. Those cents saved will add up to dollars.
Another fun and unique way to shop for school supplies through the school year is by going to garage sales. You’d be amazed at what you can find at garage sales. Often moms, grandmas, and even teachers want to get rid of accumulated crayons, writing implements and paper they’ve acquired throughout their child/student’s previous school years. This is a great way to save, especially when the budget is tight.
One other thing to consider is buying school supplies in larger quantities as they go on sale. This helps to keep your home stocked with school items your children needs throughout the year. You’re saving money by doing this because there are times when supplies aren’t on sale and you’ll end up having to pay full price. Remember those cents saved add up quickly.