Couponing Tips

Tip #1: Store Loyalty doesn’t always save you money. What I do, is grab a notebook or piece of paper, and my Sunday paper ads. I write down the name of each ad I’m looking at and write down anything I want to pick up from that store. I then pick a day that week to run to all of the stores and do my shopping. If your schedule prevents this, you can always pick one place a day. Mapping out your shopping trip helps with saving time as well. Start with the store furthest from you, and work your way home. Don’t forget your notepad!

Tip #2: Check to see what you already have. Why waste money on things that are already in your freezer or pantry

Tip #3: Take advantage of the club cards! I’m signed up for all of the grocery stores in my area, as well as Borders, World Market, Red Robin….The list goes on. I don’t keep these cards in my wallet, I actually have a card page in my coupon binder, and I keep them all together there. It doesn’t overwhelm my wallet, but I still have them when I need them.

Tip #4: Make a menu! This will give you a more accurate idea of what you NEED! Write down what you need to prepare each of the meals. Bring it to your panty, and cross of the items you already have.

Tip #5: ALWAYS keep your coupons with you. I take my binder EVERYWHERE! You never know when you will find a great sale, and can use a coupon to get an item you need for almost free. Many stores have unadvertised sales. You don’t want to be unprepared!

Tip #6: Stockpile! If you find an outstanding deal on something you use on a regular basis, but as much as you can afford to. It will save you $$ over the next few trips!

Tip #7: Make your coupon file, or binder, pretty. If it’s something you love looking at, you are more prone to actually using it.

Tip #8: The best time to stock up on online coupons is the beginning of the month. Most printable coupons “Reset”, meaning they restock the amount they are allowed to put out to the consumers.

Tip #9: If there are products that your family uses often, but you rarely find coupons for it, email the company and ask for some coupons. Most coupons are happy to send them to you

Tip #10: Make the time to be successful at couponing. It takes time to save money. I have Sunday night, as my “Coupon” night. This is when I go through ads, cut coupons, and plan for my next shopping trip. I have also known people that chose to spend 15 minutes a day clipping/sorting/filing, to avoid one chunk of time.

The effort you put in = the $$$ you save!