Doing your own auto maintenance may seem a little overwhelming, which causes many people to pay big bucks to have it done for them. Here are some things you can do at home that will not only make your automobile happy, but will make your pocketbook happy.
The Air Filter
We change ours annually. They are simple to replace and only require you to remove one bolt in most cases. Simply remove the bolt, pull out the old filter, and put in the new one. Replace the bolt and “Viola!” you’re done.
Did you know that replacing that air filter can improve gas mileage? That alone will save money. Having this done at a mechanic can cost up to $100, depending on where you go. Replacing it at home.. .just the cost of the filter and two minutes of your time.
Spark Plugs
Another fairly simple maintenance. Spark plugs do tend to last longer than an air filter, but we still replace them once a year. Often the auto supply store will walk you through the process. It’s really easy to do, just make sure you invest the $2 in a “Gapping tool.”
Cost: between $8 and $20.
Invest In Those Oil Changes
Spent the $20 every three months to get your oil change done. We used to do it ourselves, but now, it’s typically cheaper to take it in, and it’s worth it to ensure a happy automobile.
Cost: $12-$30
Get Those Tires Rotated
This helps to distribute the wear on the tires AND helps with gas mileage.
We have it done for free at our tire shop. Most tire supply companies will do it for free, but some charge a few dollars.
Keep The Inside Of Your Car Clean
Once a week, I clean out my car. I clean out the trash, vacuum, and give it a good wash. This helps to keep the value of the vehicle. Plus, who doesn’t love a clean car.
By washing the outside of the car, you undue damage from the salts from the roads, the sun damage to the paint, etc. which prevent rusts, bubbling and eventually holes in the body. By vacuuming, you are preventing the sand, and dirt from breaking down your carpet fibers.
Cost: Free, if you do it at home.
A maintained car, is a happy car!
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