Don’t Miss T Mobile Tuesday Freebies For Thanksgiving!

t mobile tuesday

T Mobile Tuesday Thanksgiving Freebies

Do you have a mobile phone plan through T Mobile? If so, do not miss out on T Mobile Tuesday freebies! Right now, you can take advantage of special #getthanked offer for Thanksgiving freebies from T Mobile. This week’s T Mobile freebie is a Thanksgiving cook book that you can download right to your mobile phone or tablet! In the cookbook you will find countless classic and delicious Thanksgiving recipes that you and your entire family will love! It is a great offer to nab especially if this will be your first time preparing a Thanksgiving feast.

If you have not already signed up for T Mobile Tuesdays freebies, you can do so by downloading the T Mobile app to your phone from the Apple App Store or from Google Play, then entering your T Mobile phone number. After that, go to the ‘My Stuff’ section of the app and you will have access to all kinds of awesome freebies from T Mobile every Tuesday! The T Mobile freebies change from one week to the next, but you can expect to receive awesome food freebies such as Wendy’s Frostys, special movie offers and free vouchers, cool freebie items, and so much more!