Washing Tips For The Family Laundry

When it comes to washing your family’s laundry the most important tip to remember is, not all clothes are washed and treated the same way. This is because our clothes are made with different fabrics and textiles. Each type of fabric or textile may require different types of washing, such as a gentle wash, a regular wash, or a hand washing. You just can’t pile everything into the washer and hope for the best.

Read the labels on the inside of your clothing. If it says dry clean, then that is what it means. Clothes which need dry cleaned, need special care. They are tended to differently than your normal everyday wear. So read those labels or you’ll end up with clothes you can’t wear and that means a loss of invested money.

Once you’ve determined “HOW” your clothes are to be cared for, you need to then separate them accordingly. Put like colors together according to washing needs. This could mean you have several different piles with several different needs, but you’ll be glad you did this in the end, as your clothes will last longer and be cleaner.

Always keep your whites separate from any colors, the reasoning being most times your whites need that extra boost of cleaning which colors can’t take. Such as with a bleaching agent or whitening product. If you were to dump these things in a normal wash you’d end up with red or pink clothes. While this color is pleasing, your menfolk might not appreciate a complete pink or red wardrobe.

Never wash your towels, wash cloths or cleaning rags with the things you wear. These items are usually made with materials which molt and leave behind little beads of fabric in clothing. Too, when we use our towels, wash cloths, and cleaning rags we tend not to care what we put on them or in them. An example could be if your husband used a cleaning rag for a motor oil check and threw it into the wash and you didn’t separate your towels from clothes, not only would you have a mess, you’d have a lot of ruined clothes. So always wash your clothes separate from everything else.

Once all the separating has been done and the dry cleaning set aside, check your clothes over for stains. You want to pre-treat your stains before washing. Sometimes something as useful as Dawn Dish Soap can be used on a stain, especially if it’s just happened. Rub a small amount on the stained area and set aside for about thirty minutes. If you have a nasty set in stain, you could try shout or any other specialty stain remover. You’d want to apply this about thirty minutes before you wash. If you don’t like using chemicals, you can use lemon juice, baking soda or borax to help lift those stains out.

Once your stained clothes have set for a bit, throw them into the wash cycle and wash as directed. Be sure once the stained garment comes out of the wash you “DON’T DRY” if you do this will set the stain. It might require treating a stain, a few times, to rid it or lighten it enough so you don’t mind it being there. Oil stains are the hardest to remove, but they can be if caught in time and treated before drying.

When it comes to drying, there are many approaches. If you have delicates, air dry them. Heat from the dryer can damage them or shrink them. You might want to use a drying rack if you don’t like using a dryer. It’s best to follow your clothes labels regarding drying to a “T”. It wouldn’t be printed as such if it wasn’t important to the material your clothes are made of. Take note of the different dryer cycles on your dryer and use according to your clothes material.

Being aware that there is more to washing your families laundry, is the key. In this day of economic woes no one can really afford to be frivolous with the care of their laundry. Taking the time to acquaint oneself with the clothes they wear will keep their clothes looking nice and in good shape.