Inexpensive Curtains

You’ve decided your living-room needs a face-lift, but your budget doesn’t allow for expensive curtain replacement, so what are you to do? Here are a few inexpensive curtain ideas to help you along the way.

Instead of browsing the curtain aisle at your local merchandise store, try searching the fabric section for a design, texture, or color you like. There’s a lot of one and two dollar fabrics which could make cute and trendy curtains. Curtains don’t need to be complicated in design either. A hem here and a tuck there could have you hanging your new curtains in no time. New curtain clips also have hoops on the top, which could easily slid on to the curtain rod. New curtains implementing the newest and latest trend in home improvement ideas, that is the D.I.Y movement.

If you feel you aren’t quite ready for a do-it-yourself curtain venture, give some thought to shopping at your local thrift-store. Usually you’ll find a wide array of curtains to suit your needs. Even if the color isn’t quite right, there is an easy solution to remedy this. Dye the fabric or textile to suit your color choice. Dye is a cheap and quick alternative to custom made curtains.

If thrift store shopping isn’t your cup of tea, you can also look to outlet malls as a solution before to save money on curtains. Outlet malls carry out of date or overstock items for mere pennies compared to buying right off your local merchandisers shelves.

Try not to be so exact in what you’re looking for. Be open to finding something similar in color, texture, and design when you shop at these outlet malls for curtains. They might not have the same items you’d see in a regular shopping store, but they could carry something very similar. The whole idea of shopping this way is to be able to purchase curtains which will work with your budget. Being smart and frugal is a good combination.

Lastly but not least, you can do a curtain exchange with your friends. Rotate your curtains among your circle of friends and family. There is no cost to doing this and it keeps things fresh and new. It’s like the same principle of exchanging clothes you’re tired and bored with. Make this time a fun event. Host a curtain exchange party. Have each friend/family member bring their curtains in a bag and have a drawing. Whomever’s name is drawn could get a bag until the next exchange date. By the time you’ve had the experience of hanging all these thrifty curtains in your home, maybe your budget will be ready to make an official curtain purchase.

Hopefully these solutions will coincide with your needs. Curtains are an investment in your home, but they don’t need to put you in the poor house. Be creative and make wise choices when it comes to your curtain needs.