Free Glad Trash Bags AND Tide Detergent Sample
Update: No longer available
Request a free sample of Glad OdorShield trash bags with Febreze Freshness AND Tide Original with Acti-Lift Laundry Detergent. After I requested the first one, I just reloaded the page to request the second. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Hi all gone
"Our samples are very popular, so it doesn’t take long for them to go. Someone just ordered the last one, but don’t worry—we’ll get more. Please check back soon."
all gone a/o 3:30 pm EST 🙁
No Longer available… 🙁
well if a person could have gotten on the web site the first time i may have een able to get some of the goods too thanks anyway
I got them both on 10/5/10 @ 9:00 CST.
They are still available as of 2:50pm on 10-5-10