Update: The deal has reached it’s limit
1. Sign up for Ebates here (You get $5 free after your first purchase) They’re also offering 7% cash back at Coastal Contacts.
2. After you signup, search for Coastal Contacts at the top. Then click “Shop Now.”
3. Find a pair of glasses that you want that doesn’t say “coupon not applicable.”
4. Click frame details and then click “Order Now.” Enter your prescription and add to cart. At checkout apply the coupon code: 10KUSA and you’ll score some free glasses!
Wow…$16.85 for my daughters glasses!!!!
ok so i tried this but they want dr information and i dont have that lol…
I was on the site browsing by 11:30 as the minutes ticked by it got slower and slower…at 11:56 when I tried to get back to my choice of frames–IT CRASHED MY NEW LAPTOP!!! So needless to say I didnt get mine!
This one is OVER! It says that the coupon code has reached its limit! 🙁