UPDATE: Gone overnight
Click here to visit the Costco site and let it load. Then under the description, click “Get A Sample.” On the next page you can fill out the form to request a free sample of their Dove Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. They do ask for Costco Id, but it’s not a required field so you can just leave it blank.
Image Credit: Dove ; thanks ihaveadeal
none of their sample buttons worked.
i would love to try
I love to try before using it
Dude, they totally worked IDK what dawn is talkin about.
Maybe Dawn didn’t answer all questions…it worked for me also.
thank you i love anything from dove becuaes im allierg to eveything i use
Love Dove Products
Love Dove Soap and would like to try the shampoo & conditioner…
thank you
love your products
All Gone!
the website is saying it is unavailable.
Did not work
I tried three diffrent ways also didnt work