UPDATE: No longer available
Note: Their site is slow to load, so what I did was open the link in 6 tabs. 2 went through, so I just filled out the form on one of those links
Click here to visit the Perfectly Posh site and click “Start” towards the bottom. Enter you name on the first page, email on the second, address on the third, and State, zip, etc. on fourth.
Image Credit: Perfectly posh ; thanks msl
site is down.
It took a few attempts but I was able to get a sample
Got it,thanks!
won’t work
I got to the page where the “start” button was but it wouldn’t go any further than that.
It will say name.. and there is a big box that is blank inside.. Type your name there.. then hit next.. It is set up different..
I cant wait to tty my sample
Your tip worked perfectly! Thank you!
you kicked me out…:((
Hey Darcie please keep in mind I don’t work for these companies, I just find the links for you guys
Got it – thanks
Wont work!
Nope still not workin…
Thank You for the sample, I can’t wait to try it =)
Got it
I would love.this
says “This survey not available now”