Amazon Deal: DeLonghi Safeheat 24 In. Ceramic Tower Heater With Remote Control For $29.99 After Rebate (Regularly $98.00)

61mGAxCl-sL._SL1500_Click here to visit the Amazon site and you’ll be able to score a DeLonghi Safeheat 24 In. Ceramic Tower Heater with remote control for $39.99 (Regularly $98.00). Then click here to print a $10 rebate bringing your total down the $29.99. It also ships for free with Amazon prime or super saver shipping. Not a bad deal considering the same one is selling at Walmart for $76.39 🙂

*Keep in mind Amazon prices can change especially for hot deals, so make sure it’s still $39.99 before you add it to your cart

Image Credit: Amazon