1st 2,500: Free NeilMed Neti Pot

1. Click here to visit the Neilmed facebook and like them.

2. Then on the “Free Neti Pot For Fans” tab, click either “Click here if you are a user of NeilMed NasaFlo® Neti Pot” or “Click here if you use other saline rinse”

3. Fill out the form (For physician’s info, you can just put NA in the fields. For number I just put 555-555-5555 – without the hyphens)

4. Take their quick survey

5. Watch their video and click done. (It’s a bit of a long video, so if you want you can just mute it and browse the web on a new tab)

Image credit: neilmed

26 thoughts on “1st 2,500: Free NeilMed Neti Pot”

  1. Wont work for me. Keeps coming up with highlighted for my correct phone number and the phone number for the doctor. Can anyone help me? I would love to try this!!! I put NA for the doctor’s info and for the doctors phone number I did 1-555-555-5555

  2. I can’t get it to work, i click on the click here places but nothing, I did like the page. What can i do? Thanks

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