5 Free Humor Books For Kindle

51dVizSETjL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-70,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Here’s a couple new free kindle books on Amazon. Keep in mind you don’t need a Kindle to read them. Click here for more information on that.

1. Love By Design by Liz Matis

2. Straight Out of University by Rosen Trevithick

3. Cats and Dogs by Norm Augustinus

4. Storm Damage (Johnny Donohue Series) by Sandy Mason

5. Powerball 33 by Connie Spittler

*Keep in mind Amazon prices can change, so make sure its still $0.00 before you add it to your cart.

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