Note: You can also use Google Chrome to have all pages translated to English
This one is a bit tough because it’s from a Spanish version of the P&G website, but here’s how to get a free roll of Charmin Basic Bath Tissue:
1. First click here to visit their site and click “Regístrate”
2. Next fill out the form:
Nombre: Name
Apellido: Last Name
Correo electrónico: Email
Confirma tu dirección electrónica: Confirm your email
Contraseña: Password (Must be at least 8 characters with a letter and at least one number)
Confirma tu contraseña: Confirm your password
Código postal: Zip code
¿Cuándo naciste?: When were you born
¿Cuál es tu sexo?: What is your gender
3. Check the box that translates to “Yes, I want to join the movement proud. I will help celebrate the beauty of collective diversity of Latino women, and receive special invitations and offers.”
4. Click Siguiente (next)
5. Click “de acuerdo” to agree to the P&G website terms (you can use Google Chrome if you’d like it translated)
6. Click here to visit the freebie site and click “Pide tu muestra y tu cupon”
7. Add your address by clicking “Escribe/Modifica tu dirección.”
8. Next to “Dirección,” click “Editar” and put in your address. Save it by clicking “Guardar.” Do the same with Ciudad (City)
9. Click the link in step 5 again to confirm your address and you’re done! Allow 5-7 weeks for delivery.
p.s thank you to Mrs. Vastro, my awesome high school Spanish teacher!
Image credit: P&G