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Click here to visit the Ziplock facebook and like them. Then on the “Ziplock Back To School” tab, enter your email and register. Then click “Play Daily Game” and play their instant win game to see if you’re a winner. You can enter daily through October 15th. Good luck!
Thanks Kimberly!
Instant Win Games
One (1) prize consisting of: one (1) $500 check made payable to the winner and five
hundred (500) eBoxTops
Ten (10) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) Kindle Paperwhite and fifty (50) eBoxTops
Ten (10) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) Timbuk2 Bag and fifty (50) eBoxTops
Fifty (50) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) Alarm Clock and fifty (50) eBoxTops
Two Hundred (200) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) Lunch Bag and fifty (50) eBoxTops
Two Hundred (200) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) ZiplocĀ® Prize Pack and fifty (50)
Two Hundred (200) prizes, each consisting of: one (1) $20.00 Zappos Gift Card and fifty
(50) eBoxTops
Image credit: Ziplock