Learn How to Garden On A Budget With Homemade Fertilizer!
Having your own garden is a rewarding experience. You put in the hard work to plant and maintain the garden, and then eventually you reap the benefits: lots of delicious crops or beautiful plants! Maintaining your garden can get rather expensive. The cost of fertilizers and other plant products can add up quickly. Plus, fertilizers and lawn care products tend to be harmful to our environment and dangerous to children and pets. Today, we have some tips for creating your own DIY homemade fertilizer. These fertilizers and inexpensive. Many of these products or items can be found around your house (or possibly in your trash can!) Check them out below, and give them a try! You will save yourself some money and help keep the environment cleaner, and your children and pets safe!
- Plain Epsom salt is an excellent plant fertilizer! To use Epsom salt to fertilize your plants, mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt with one gallon of water. Use this solution to water your plants from a watering can. Tomatoes and roses respond particularly well to Epsom salt. You can purchase unscented Epsom salt for a dollar per bag at your local Dollar Tree store!
- Tomatoes and other plants LOVE egg shells! The calcium in the shells is highly beneficial to plants; especially those that are growing in soil that is calcium deficient.
- Plants such as flowering and fruiting plants respond well to banana peels! Save those banana peels and plant them near the roots of your plants. The peel will decompose and release nutrients and vitamins into the soil and into your plant’s roots.
- Do you have any leftover coffee grounds in your house? Coffee grounds add nitrogen and acidity to your soil. Roses, magnolias, hydrangea, and a few other plants particularly like used coffee grounds! To apply, mix coffee grounds into the soil at the base of your plant.