UPDATE: No longer available
Click here to visit the Green Mountain facebook and like them. Then on the “Leap For Cider Giveaway” tab, you’ll be able to request your freebie. (They’re looking for people that have a K-cup brewer and haven’t requested a sample in the past)
Image Credit: Green Mountain; thanks ihaveadeal
I enjoy mine, have not tried the apple cider.
i’ld give anything to get to try the apple cider, i’d trade half of my hot chocolate for apple cider to soomeone who is interested !!! let me know
thank you
i love apple cider
no one in my family likes it, it tastes like that hot flu drink that you take when you are sick, but i make home made cider, nothing beats it
I love the k cups
I enjoy the kcups
looking forward
we’ll see
happily awaiting
we’ll sharrre
help to all
thank you
Would love to try it.
got it thanks
Definitely love your products
Would have loved to try.
drink coffee and would love to have cider for a change
Sounds good. I want to try it!
Love the apple cider Nothing better then having a cup of that on a cold day with the family 🙂 little piece of heaven right there I tell ya!
Great for a cold winters day to warm you right up.
Closed again 🙁
This is gone already
this is gone already
Would like to try this.
Love Apple Cider, so I’m sure I’ll like these.
I’d like to find A HOT TEA K-CUP without lemon flavoring added. Any ideas?????
cant wait to try apple cider
Hope it is Good COFFEE.
would love to have it
sounds great
missed it again, it is my understanding per the people at Bed Bath and Beyond that this is a seasonal item and when it is sold out that there won’t be any more is this true?
I have tried several times with no luck and I sure would love to try this apple cider