Another Free Sample Of Gevalia Coffee

UPDATE: Their site is having some trouble, but worked for me better once I refreshed the screen. Also if it helps, it asked me for a code when I tried Google Chrome, but worked fine for me in Firefox

Click here to visit the Target site and scroll down a bit until you get to the grocery section. Under the picture like the one above, click “Request Sample” and answer their quick questions. Finally you’ll be able to fill out your shipping info. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery.

Image Credit: Gevalia; thanks Becky!

96 thoughts on “Another Free Sample Of Gevalia Coffee”

  1. “More information is needed for shipment
    This sample requires a code. You cannot proceed beyond this point.”

    no spot for a code. tried refreshing not working

  2. I too after refreshing was asked for a code and could not proceed. I even tried to request a different sample and SAME thing-code.

  3. That’s strange, it didn’t ask me for a code. The site did take a little bit to load, but I answered the questions, put in my info and it said I would get the sample in 8-10 weeks.

  4. This is a waste of time. It keeps asking for a code. And there is nowhere to put a code if I had one.

  5. It worked for me from Chrome. Answered about eight multiple choice questions and then provided my mailing address. I got thru on my 1st attempt.

  6. I got to the questions – answered the first page, clicked Next and it never went to Next. I refreshed; still nothing.

  7. What’s the code for the Beauty Supplies? It suggested going to to find code- not one there, that I found. Help!

  8. its not working unless i process a CODE.. what code i dont see it ๐Ÿ™
    i want free sample of Gevalia Coffee

  9. I have to refresh the page once cause it wouldnt do anything once I clicked on the free sample. but it worked fine after that.

    • how did you do that? i don’t have firefox downloaded on my computer and i don’t really want to download it just for this.

  10. i was able to get the coffee sample just fine without a code, but it won’t let me get the beauty bag without one. is anyone able to get it without the code?

  11. I really wanted to answer the math problem wrong at the end to see if they would deny me my coffee. haha

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