Free Sample Of Garnier Ultra-Lift Serum

Click here to visit the Target site and click “Request Sample” under the picture like the one above. Answer their quick questions and you’ll be able to fill out your shipping info to request a free sample. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery,

Image credit: Garnier; thanks oiio

35 thoughts on “Free Sample Of Garnier Ultra-Lift Serum”

  1. Not getting the code for the sample bag. They are giving me all X’s… Anybody got a code I can try ??

  2. I was able to request a sample. For some samples, there is a code that you need to enter. All you need to do is enter the code that is given. No one can provide a code accept for the site.

    • I was able to get the lift serum. Not the bag. Here is what the target site says:
      Eligible purchases will receive a code via receipt throughout the month of March. Enter your code here for your free beauty bag. Perhaps there are certain things that need to be purchased.

      • No code on site at all. They should take the request for the bad off the site. There is no code to be found. Oh well no biggie.

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