Note: It shows a Walmart logo, but this is a manufacturer coupon and its not a restriction. They’re suggesting that you use it there, but you don’t have to.
Coupons just released a new coupon good for Buy One Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Drink, Get One Cherry Drink Free. Click here to visit their site and print it. The coupon should be automatically linked, but if needed use the zip code 55555 and click the “Beverages” category to find it faster. (First page for me)
*Starting 5/20 CVS will have their Ocean Spray juice on sale for buy one, get one free, so you’ll be able to score one free bottle of cranberry drink and one free bottle of cherry drink after this coupon. (The coupon covers one and their sale covers the other.)
Image Credit: Coupons; thanks msm
coupon would not print for me ;-(
I was unable to print the coupon and it will not allow a second try;-(