Stop Wasting Money Purchasing Apps! Amazon Is Giving Away These 4 Apps For FREE For a Limited TIme!


If you have a mobile phone or a tablet, you should check out this list of the BEST free Amazon apps that you can download. We have gathered a list of fun or helpful apps that are highly rated. We think you will enjoy having these apps on your mobile device. If for some reason you do not like an app that you download, you can easily delete it and you will not have wasted any money!

  • Colorfy: Coloring Book For Adults– This awesome app allows you to ‘color’ right from your phone. This app is engaging and relaxing. It is also very highly rated by Amazon customers!
  • Free Piano: Learn to Play– If you have always wanted to learn bow to play the piano, check out this app! You can learn how to play a variety of fun and simple tunes on a mini keyboard that shows up right on your phone or tablet screen.
  • SpinArt– Even the New York Time has raved about this fun app! Choose from a variety of colors and create your own cool spin art.
  • Spotify– If you enjoy listening to music, you will love this app! You can create playlists and listen to your favorite songs on your phone for FREE!