Update: This was a really good deal, but looks like it’s out of stock now.
We usually post strictly freebies, but there’s a great deal on this FoodSaver Handheld Vacuum Sealing System. These are regularly priced at $29.99 + shipping, so I wanted to post this.
The Kit Includes:
1 FreshSaver Appliance
5 Quart Vacuum Zipper Bags
5 Gallon Vacuum Zipper Bags
1 Charging Stand
2 Deli Containers
- Register for ShopAtHome by clicking here (They’ll give you $5 for your first purchase and 6% cash back)
- Search “FoodSaver” in the search box
- Click on the FoodSaver link they provide at the top
- In the search field on FoodSaver.com, enter “FSFRSH0057-000″
- Click view and then add the FoodSaver FreshSaver Handheld Vacuum Sealing System Kit to your cart
- At checkout use promo code U0FV85FS
- Your final cost will be $4.50+Tax (Plus you should get $5 and 6% cash back from ShopAtHome)
Thanks to Collin
I hope this one comes back soon, we were JUST talking about how we need to get this and it'd help with grocery bills.