Craigslist is a useful tool for those inclined to saving money, but are not opposed to buying things secondhand.
Craigslist’s premise is simple: offer people a place to advertise for free. Log onto their website and choose your home state and the region or the city closest to where you live. From there, I highly recommend going to the “Free” page. On the Free page, you’ll find a list of people from all across your region who have really random stuff they want to get out of their hair. Items I’ve seen listed include canned goods, 8-track tapes, firewood, and even an old kitchen sink. You never know what someone will post. When you see a listing that you are interested in acquiring, you can email the person who posted it. Sometimes they also include their phone number in the post.
My first experience picking something up from this free listing turned out be a huge blessing. A family had been given assorted canned goods and shelf-stable items. There was a lot they didn’t want. Apparently, they are not fond of corn or green beans. They gave me a huge box full of food for FREE. My only obligation was to go to their house to pick it up.
Also noteworthy on Craigslist is the Pets page. Right now my family is in an apartment, but when we get a house we hope to acquire at least one kitty. We will never be paying for a cat, let me tell you. Every week, I look up postings on Craigslist of people giving away dogs and cats, puppies or kittens for low prices or even free. Sometimes even including the food, leashes, bedding, and so on. Often, I’ll see postings for people GIVING AWAY PUREBRED dogs. That is giving away, for FREE. Why do I look these up when we are in an apartment, you ask. Because I like to torture myself. Then I email the photos of cuteness onto my husband so he can share in the misery.
Please note that horrible people do occasionally post something on Craigslist that is a scam. Please use your common sense. Also, if you are a little, defenseless woman, don’t go picking up something free from a stranger’s house unless you have your big, burly husband along with you. Let’s play it safe.
So how did I end up with thirty-eight picture frames? Yes, I responded to a Craigslist Free posting that said she had some picture frames that didn’t sell at her garage sale. She emailed me and said she’ll leave them outside her door for me. I hopped on over there lickety split, only to discover that the box of picture frames was bigger than I and so heavy that she had to help me get them into the car. I will never be in want for a picture frame, thanks to Craigslist.