Update: No longer available
Click here and like Renuzit on facebook. Then go to the “Free Cone” tab and click “Get My Free Cone.” On that page scroll a little down, enter your email and click submit. You’ll then be able to print a coupon good for a Free Renuzit Adjustable Cone Air Freshener. Their website is running a little slow right now, but hurry this is only for the 1st 30,000 requests.
it wouldnt let me print it either way
They seem to be having a little bit of trouble, but posted this on facebook “Please email us directly at help@Renuzit.com if you were not able to print your coupon. Thank you!”
Could not get it to work.
fwiw I could print but as an FYI to folks out there, it comes as a $1 off coupon – tho it says the suggested price is, indeed, under $1, so it is in effect free.
It’s just a one dollar off coupon, not a free.
At the bottom of the coupon it says that they… are $1.00 or less at the participating retailers listed, so it should be fine
I was under the impression that most stores would not take a coupon for an IP free item?
looking forward to useing new scent love your products.
could not get the renuzit to work
They seem to be having a little bit of trouble, but posted this on facebook “Please email us directly at help@Renuzit.com if you were not able to print your coupon. Thank you!”
This one is out, AND you have to “like” it on facebook first, el stinko
I just tried again it it’s still working. They seem to be having a little bit of trouble, but posted this on facebook “Please email us directly at help@Renuzit.com if you were not able to print your coupon. Thank you!”