Is your New Years’ resolution to drop a few pounds, yet gym membership rates are making you reconsider? Have no fear! Today’s experiment: Cheap Exercising.
I went to a gym before my daughter was born. After she was born, I couldn’t leave the home for an hour a day just to exercise. She needed to come along if I did go and exercising could cut into nursing time if I wasn’t watching how I used each minute.
That’s when I started to look for exercise options that were doable at home and easier on our pocketbook. I found several different ways to exercise at little or no cost.
Exercise DVDs
Nothing gets me more pumped than Jillian Michaels screaming in my face, telling me to do five more pushups. I found a handful of exercises DVDs on sale at Wal-Mart and nabbed them. For the cost of two months at the gym, I now have six hours worth of exercise routines that I do in my home, using my body as resistance.
I don’t have any weights to use during these exercise DVDs, so I improvised and have two half gallon jugs of water that I use in place of free weights during my exercises. For light resistance, use bottles of water or fill a water bottle with beans or rice. You can also used canned goods to strength your arms.
Royal Canadian Air Force Exercises (women) (men)
This is the exercise routine that my mom used when she had me and my siblings. I don’t know if the Royal Canadian Air Force still uses these exercises. They are simple and only require your own body resistance. They start with few repetitions and work you to a harder level as your body becomes stronger. This is great to get started. It is a 15 minute time commitment for women and an 11 minute time commitment for men.
Couch to 5K
Have you been interested in learning how to run but don’t know where to start? This running program literally helps the couch potato become ready to run a 5K marathon in six weeks. It is progressive and gradual. Each week gives you a new set of repetitions and an increase in time running, now an increase in speed. The focus is on gaining strength, not time.
So, so cheap and the exercise that targets all your major muscle groups. Take advantage of walking. In the winter, walk at your mall (if you aren’t tempted to spend all your money!). In the other seasons, enjoy being outdoor in your neighborhood or at a local park. Consider walking to a grocery store instead of driving. Your body will thank you!