UPDATE: No longer available
NOTE: If it doesn’t work for you on the first try, try the link again. Biore has been having some difficulties with their site.
- Click here and like Biore on facebook.
- Go to the Cleaner Face-Off Tab.
- Vote for your favorite by clicking like.
- Where it says “Request Your Free Cleanser Sample,” click “Click Here”
- Then just fill out the form on the next page to request your sample 🙂
thanks h2s
i can’t get it to work…. 🙁
I would like to try you product..Please send me a free cleanser sample.
Thanks you
Bonnie Jayne
it says sorry the page u r requesting is not available
doesn’t work for me either….tried several times
It worked for me!! Thanks a million!
Anyone who can’t get it to work, I went and looked at the comments on the wall and they had written their own saying that they were sorry it was giving us that message and to click on the tab again and try again. I got it as soon as I did it the second time. I hope this helps!!! Thanks for the sample! 🙂
Didn’t work for me either.
Had same pblm w/Tide last night….
I got a sample this morning with no problem
they are all out of sample :~(