19 thoughts on “Boss Orange Sunset Fragrance Sample”

  1. Every time I try for the free Boss Orange Fragrance Sample, it goes to a black screen. I am not sure if it is going through or not. Could you please let me know. thank you very much.


    Tracy McDougall

  2. I got my sample! When I ordered it I was thinking it would be the small size or the little vials the sometimes use. When I got it it is a peel off on a post card like they have in magazines. Now I love free stuff so i’m not complaining! I just wanted to let it be known what you actually get because the picture makes you think you get enough for more than 1 use. This goes for all of the other perfume samples I orderd. Now that the summer is comming I keep them in my purse for a touch up on a hot and sweaty day!

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