UPDATE: Still 14,000+ left as of 3:33 (Eastern Time)
Note: In the past some people have gotten an out message while others are still able to request it. If this happens to you, try refreshing the screen or switching to a different browser.
Click here to visit the Crystal Light facebookand like them. The on the “Crystal Light Insider” tab, take their compatibility test and choose a character. Play the games to unlock your sample. You’ll be able to click a link that takes you to the signup form. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Image Credit: Crystal light
I love crystal light!!!
ive been seeing the comericals for and wonder if its any good
I Can’t wait to try one of the new summer flavors!!
I just came home from buying 5 boxes of Crystal Light!!! It is the BombDiggity!!!
Sounds awesome!
I’ve been wanting to try this.my friends love it!!!
I love crystal light and cocktails, so i am betting i will love mocktails 🙂
I am waiting ever so quietly for my sample, so I can then go crazy when I get it!
I love crystal light
Love it !!
crystal light will help you to get light
Love Crystal Light, and so do the kids!
Can’t wait to try!!