Listerine Coupons Make The Listerine Whitening Refresh $0.99 @ Target


Target has the Listerine Whitening Refresh for $3.99. Here’s how to score an awesome deal on it:

1. Click here to visit the Coupons site and click the “Local Coupons” tab at the top.

2. Then change your zip code to 33033

3. Click the “Coupons” tab and then the “Personal Care” category.

4. You should then be able to spot and print the coupon above good for $2 off any Listerine Whitening product (fourth row for me)

5. Now click here to visit the Target site and you’ll be able to print a coupon good for $1 off a Listerine oral care item

6. Buy the 16 oz Listerine Whitening Refresh for $3.99. Use both coupons since one is a store coupon and the other is a manufactures coupon

Final cost = $0.99 🙂

Thanks Ashley!

Image Credit: Coupons