1. Click here to visit the Catalog Spree site and click “Signup With Facebook” underneath “Sign up for Catalog Spree for FREE.” Their site is running slow so you may have to wait for it to load or refresh the page.
2. Allow their app
3. Check your email and click “Your free gift cards are waiting for you”
4. Their site is running slow, so wait for them to load or refresh the page to see your gift cards. Then click “Get My Gift Cards” and fill out the form on the next page.
5. Done! Check you email for your unique codes.
No email, alas. I smell scam.
not working, I get a runtime error
6 hours, still no email.
Hey Calthine. My email came right away. Are you sure you allowed their app?
It asks for a lot of personal information they’re going to share. Not gonna happen.
I got the e-mail right away but only two gift cards (no cookies for me). As for sharing of my info, it’s catalogs I get catalogs in the mail all the time I didn’t sign up for.
got the email with the gift cards. Just – everything is really expensive so the gift cards make them in the affordable bracket. At least for Jockey (3 prs for the cost of shipping – which is $7)