Note: Mobile users might have to select the view desktop option on your phone to see the tab
Click here to visit their facebook and like them. Then fill out the form on the “Giveaway Entry” tab to request a free goofy people pen. The first 2,000 to do so will score this. You should get an email that says “Your very own Goofy Person Pen should be arriving shortly!”
P.s don’t forget, you can signup to get a text message as soon as we post a freebie
Image credit: 4Imprint
I just got the mobile alert about this free sample, but it’s already expired! On my phone it says it was posted at 2:51pm, I got the mobile alert at 3:35pm. What’s the point of mobile alerts if there’s a delay and I’m going to miss out on the free samples!
Hey Ashley, that might be because of your network provider. When we send it out, it’s the same as a text and should come right away.