Note: Mobile users might have to select the view desktop option on your phone to see the tab
Click here to visit the Excedrin facebook tab and like them. Scroll down and click “Click To Get Started” and allow their app (you delete their app right after). Finally click “Play For Today’s Prize” to see if you’re a winner. 153 winners will score a free $500 gift card to stores ranging from CVS to Walmart. Not a winner? No worries because you’ll still be entered into their sweepstakes for $25,000.
Entry Limit: Daily
Ends: January 2nd
Want To Delete an Application?
- Click “account” in the top right corner
- Click privacy settings
- On the lower left side it says Applications and Websites, click “edit your settings” and then click it again on the next page. From there you should be able to remove the application
sa ferais juste du bien pour les cadeaux de Noel