Free Samples Of Pantene, Crest, Always and Tampax


This one is a bit tough because it’s from a Spanish version of the P&G website, but here’s how to get some free samples:

1. Click here to visit their site and register or login (It might be easier to register with a new email. I added the translations below 🙂 )

2. Click here and click “Pide tus muestras y tus cupones”

3. Click “Confirma Tu Dirreccion” (if your address is missing, click “Modifica tu dirección” and use the translation below)

4. Done! You should see a message that says “Que emocion!” which basically says you’ll get it in 2-3 weeks 🙂 (thanks Chris and Cynthia!)

===> P.s don’t forget, you can signup to get a text message as soon as we post a new freebie.


Nombre: Name
Apellido: Last Name
Correo electrónico: Email
Confirma tu dirección electrónica: Confirm your email
Contraseña: Password (Must be at least 8 characters with a letter and at least one number)
Confirma tu contraseña: Confirm your password
Código postal: Zip code
¿Cuándo naciste?: When were you born
¿Cuál es tu sexo?: What is your gender

Editar – Edit
Guardar – Save
Dirección – Address
Ciudad – City
Estado – State

*Be sure to check the box that translates to “Yes, I want to join the movement proud. I will help celebrate the beauty of collective diversity of Latino women, and receive special invitations and offers.”

Image credit: Clairol

2 thoughts on “Free Samples Of Pantene, Crest, Always and Tampax”

  1. They have a little link in the top right hand corner you can push and it will translate everything into english 🙂

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