Woohoo! American Express is having an awesome promo where you can enter to win 1 of 2,0001 $25 gifts, 1 of 10 checks for $10,000, and a grand prize of $100,000! Here’s how
- Click here to visit the American Express site and enter your email
- They’ll email you a unique code (takes a few minutes)
- Then click here and enter the code and verification code they gave you
- Click continue
- Enter your info and play their game
- Let us know if you win 🙂
You can enter once a day till January 31, 2012. Good luck all!
Image Credit: American Express ; thanks Dayna!
There is no where to CLICK to to enter site to enter your email to receive the reply email. The 1st “click here” is not highlighted. Please advise
After I sent this message, the new screen had it in blue.
Sorry Karen I fixed it 🙂
Cool! It would so wonderful to finally win something totally awesome!!!
couldn’t get in with those numbers it said they were invalid
said invalid?
Peace and Love
It says invalid codeand gift card is invalid also.
haven’t gotten my email code and it’s been 30 minutes
It only asks for my email and gift card number. Dont have a gift card number duh. So where am I suppose to type in the 2 codes then?
Hey llse please follow the steps in the post. You get them from the first link 🙂
I received the codes but the site won’t accept them.
won $25 gift card!
I have not received an email and I entered last night????
I Lost!!
im w llse..doesnt let me enter code anywheres on page..only asks for gift card num..i dont have a gift card
thanks for the reminder, i almost forgot all about it today!! =)
sounds Like A Good Deal
I entered email about an hour ago, but never received any codes.
I followed directions but was never sent me a unique code to use.
Can’t enter, got the first code but on the next page to sign up for a second card code, page won’t come up far enough to fill in the blanks. Who makes this stuff up? Maybe we could stand on our heads while signing and whistle Dixie.
I won a $25 gift card yesterday 🙂 u just have to follow the directions, the code they send u IS the gift card number u enter and also the 3 digit code theu send u enter that after u enter the gift card code and hit enter!! its really very simple, but u can only try once a day and its not a gaurantee!!
I send for a code but never get one
@ Toni: Click here to visit the American Express site and enter your email
“They’ll email you a unique code (takes a few minutes)”
Then click here and enter the code and verification code they gave you
Click continue
Enter your info and play their game… they give you a code if you don’t have a number, but I never get sent a code
would love a little extra cash around the holidays! love it!
I just won!! Thanks
Another dream of winning some money!!!!!!
Hope to win