Coupon For A Free Full-Size Essence of Beauty Antibacterial Collection Product


If you’re a CVS ExtraCare member, then CVS has a cool freebie for you on their facebook. Click here to like them on facebook. Then on the “Special Offers” tab you can fill out your info and they’ll send you a coupon via email for a free Full-Size Essence of Beauty Antibacterial Collection product. Offer expires 4/15/11 while coupon is valid through 4/18/11

thanks h2s

13 thoughts on “Coupon For A Free Full-Size Essence of Beauty Antibacterial Collection Product”

  1. CVS ExtraCare Members: Coupon For A Free Full-Size Essence of Beauty Antibacterial Collection Product

  2. It won’t let me either, You have to have a Card Number from CVS. I went to their site to try and get one but unless you allow them to fill your Medicine…They will not allow You to get a card!!! SO I guess if you already have the card you can get the sample but without a card number it will not let you!!!

  3. This stinks…I have a CVS Extra Care card, but there is no CVS’s out here in Denver 🙁 If the coupon didn’t expire so soon, I would be able to use it next month when I fly to Chicago!!! Oh well…

  4. I tried to get one for my son yet it would not allow it. Said one per person, well, he’s not me!

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