35 thoughts on “Free Kleenex Cool Touch Sample”

  1. This is the 2nd time I have tried to get a free sample from the Target site. I fill out the form, click submit and it just keeps loading. When I try to do it over, it says already signed up, review and submit. But nothing happens on that either.

  2. I’m having trouble with it closing. It has said to wait and it has been waiting for over 4 min. My sister tried and hers is still waiting also. Any ideas? Don’t know if they will have the info if I close it out.

    • Just refresh the page while it’s still going. Then try and request the sample again – if it says it’s already been requested then it went through the first time and your sample is on its way. : )

      • Thank You ! Worked just like you said. I just went back requested the sample again and it said one had already been received from this address… !

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