UPDATE: No longer available
Click this link to visit their site and you’ll be able to request a Free Credit Card Sleeve. Just click “Buy It Now,” they’re including free shipping and no credit card info is required.
if you haven’t already please click here to like Sample Stuff on facebook
Image credit: 1SaleAday ; thanks Jennifer
Try my luck
It’s always great to find things for free!!!!
I have wished for one of these my card gits so scratched that i have trouble geting some machines to accept it .thank you
It wont let me enter keeps telling me my password is wrong????????????
This is so great, and will protect our cards from thieves.
Great idea
awesome for credits card
credit card slips awesome
still wont accept my password??
I need a new one
I would like about 4 of these
i would like one for someone else ?
Thanks I can really use this!
I have tried all day long to get this item and all I get you are so busy…i cannot believe that I haven’t been able to get on here to get the sleeves. Very frustrating.
yes i too have had a problem with the site saying my password and or e-mail address is wrong!
Thank you so much!!!
hope this works!
Ive always wanted one of these, I wear my magnetic strips out & with all the info attached is now protected
I hope this works….
Mine went through. Great site!
Love to have one
it doesn’t give you an option to even sign up..you have to have a password confirmation
Thank you so much! This is the 2nd item I have been able to get free. Love It!
thanks maybe next time !rebecca vandiver