1st 5,000: Free Father’s Day Greeting Card

Card Gnome is offering a free father’s day card if you haven’t ordered a free card from them before. Here’s how:

  1. Click here to visit the Card Gnome site
  2. Click the blue “click here” and share the offer (You can delete it right after)
  3. Allow their app (You should get a popup requesting this or else they don’t consider you a new customer and you won’t be eligible for this offer)
  4. Choose a card
  5. Choose to “mail it to a loved one”
  6. Enter your shipping address or who you’d like to mail it to
  7. Go to checkout and before you complete it, make sure the total just says “1 credit”
  8. Done! 🙂

Want To Delete an Application?

  1. Click “account” in the top right corner
  2. Click privacy settings
  3. On the lower left side it says Applications and Websites, click “edit your settings” and then click it again on the next page. From there you should be able to remove the application
Image Credit: Card Gnome

2 thoughts on “1st 5,000: Free Father’s Day Greeting Card”

  1. Really love this. If I won it would b the first year I didn’t have to give my two little ones the money to buy my own card.;)_

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